Hello students!! This month the Academy has a lot of surprises, the new Plan Academy with 3 videos plus an extra and until the new web releases the Artist plan of Alfonso will be included with 3 more videos. 7 videos in only one month! To start with this month here is the next and final part of this Goblin paint by the hand of Borjammer. Enjoy!
Hi everyone! This is the final part of this great process, we hope you liked it and if you want to share with us your opinion, please comment below. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! We have almost finished with this miniature, in this episode you will se how Alfonso has painted a vital part of the figure, the hands. If you want to buy the figure, here you have the link. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! Today we bring you this chapter where Alfonso paints the final touches of this figure. Next month we will release the last chapter of the Iñigo series! If you want to buy the figure, here you have the link. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! In this fourth session, Alfonso will show us how to paint a NMM usin metallic pigments... and yes, you have read it well. If you want to buy the figure, here you have the link. Enjoy it!!
Hello students!! In this new process by Borjammer he will us how he painted the mount of this miniature from the new Seraphon range. A simple and easy video to guido you to paint units with great results Enjoy!
Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in the video, we will release the next ones before the end of the year to start the new one with big news and new processes. In this video, Alfonso will show us how he has peainted the red jacket and the golden bucklet.
Hello students!! We apologize for the delay in Alfonso's videos. Due to health and family issues, he hasn't been able to dub the videos on time. Over the next 2 weeks, we will catch up on his content. Today, we bring you a simple and enjoyable process led by Borjammer, who will show us how he painted this little Goblin in a simple and effective way. Thank you all for your patience. In January, we will reveal a significant change within the academy that will benefit everyone. Enjoy!
--ENGLISH VERSION WILL BE UPLOADED AS SOON WE CAN-- We are working in the english versions of the Wargame videos, we are facing problems to find the right solution for this, but we have one and we are going to update them as soon as posible. Hi students! In this second video, Rodrigo Akore will finish the Ork Boy for your your Kill Teams. Enjoy it!
Hi students! In this new process with Rafa from RGHpaint will show us how to paint a Space Marine from the Leviathan box in a easy and fast method, with this tips to paint the armour and the easy NMM, your miniatures will look amazing in the table! Enjoy it!