Hi students! Today we are tackling a complex topic. Many of you in our in-person classes have talked to us about the difference between seeing a figure in person versus in a photo. In this video, we will address topics such as contrast, lighting, and you will be able to see works of other artists from a different perspective. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! This is the end! With this video we finish this process, stay tuned for the new announcements about the academy. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! Today we bring you this chapter where Alfonso paints the final touches of this figure. Next month we will release the last chapter of the Iñigo series! If you want to buy the figure, here you have the link. Enjoy it!!
Hi everyone! We have updated the second part of Elliot Lucky shot Maynard video adding the english version, sorry for the delay. Today we bring to you the fourth chapter of Iñigo, we hope you are enjoying the series, this friday we will release the fifth chapter of The Thinker, we are close of the end of this process.
--ENGLISH VERSION WILL BE UPLOADED AS SOON WE CAN-- Hi everyone! In this third video of the Iñigo series Alfono will show us how he has painted the thin beard, the vest and the shirt, a very interesting video talking about painting texture, black, white, etc.
Hi students! Today we bring you the second chapter of Iñigo where Alfonso shows us how he has painted the face, the "recent beard" and the eyes of this great bust from Scale75
Hi students! Today we bring you a new collaboration with Scale75, introducing his new product line "Characters", Alfonso has painted 2 boxarts and we want to share with you the painting process of both busts. In this first episode of Iñigo, Alfonso speaks about this character and starts to paint the skin with a "cell-shading" method.