Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE
Part 2 of the Miniaturist is here. As you know, there is a survey asking for your opinion about Streamings […]
Hi guys! A video about making ears in your miniatures…and tomorrow… New series: CONVERSIONS! Enjoy! Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE […]
Hey guys! The end of the wor…I mean, the month, is near, and we are releasing the last videos of […]
Hi guys! With this video we are updated! We are going to do some changes on the sculpture content trying […]
Hi guys! Part 4 of the miniaturist! During the next few days there will be several videos of sculpture, but […]
Hi mates! Here we go, recovering the delay of the month with this How to video. Very interesting tutorial about […]
Hey there! We continue with the Miniaturist, 3rd video. He´s becoming a painter definetly…:P Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE Hola […]
Hi mates! This is our last video of the month, and we decided to release an Sculpting Tips again, to […]
Hi guys! Start modeling is difficult, and especially if you have a wrong start because you haven´t prepared your material […]