Video about the uses and properties of the Green Stuff. It´s important to know all the uses of your material, […]
Hi there guys! 3rd part of Moses ready! Next sculpting videos will show you other important parts of a sculpting […]
Hey guys! Second part of the Moses Sculpting Process! How is going your sculpting works? 🙂 DB. Video by Alfonso […]
Guys, I have noticed I didn´t upload and share the first part of Moses, how it´s possible? No one noticed […]
Hi guys! Final part of the Ogre Bust. Is not finished, but it has achieve its mission: show you the […]
Hey guys! MSS 2018 incoming this weekend, so we bring a short vid about what you can expect of the […]
Hi guys! This video is about a very useful tool: the freezing spray. It allows you to work faster, allowing […]
Good night! You have here the first video about the Ogre bust that Banshee has painted for the first Patreon […]
While we wait for chapter 2 of Moses process, we bring to you this video. We can see how Banshee […]
Hi guys! Part 3 of the Ogre bust, still one more remaining, but with this one you are getting closer […]