Hi students! Today we bring you the last part of this series where David explains to us the last part of the painting process of this amazing dwarf sculpted by Joaquin Palacios and David has presented it at the 2022 World Model Expo.
Hi students! In this second episode Alfonso show us how to paint an easy golden NMM and give the final touches to the face.
Hi students! In this new video we will show you how to paint an easy skintone with premade flesh tones mixing them to achieve a great result.
Hi students! With this second video we end the painting process of this great figure. Enjoy it!
Hi students! Today we bring you a new video process or this interesting miniature from White Gorilla Games. David shows us how he has painted the skin of this big Shark.
Hi students! In this third episode David shows us how he has painted the helmet and the background of this amazing dwarf sculpted by Joaquin Palacios and David has presented it at the 2022 World Model Expo.
Hi students! Today we bring you the next chapter of this interesting process where David Arroba shows us how hevhas painted this figure for the World Model Expo 2022.
Hi students! Today we are going to reveal only for subscribers (in a few days we will show it in the World Expo) this incredible figure sculpted by Joaquin Palacios for a collector. If you want to know more, watch the video, it's very interesting!
Hi students! And this is the first part of the final video of Aries, we have decided to split this video in 2 for 2 reasons, the first one is because the final video will be too long if we keep it toguether and the other is because the second part is only refinement and final touches and and we donĀ“t know if some students can find it boring. Tomorrow we will release the second part.