


We are very sorry but were not able to translate external videos like this one. This was a lecture in a big event here in Spain. Its Free content on youtube. 

If you have spanishspeakers friends, please share it so maybe they will appreciate the content!. When we will do demos or lectures in english events we will do the same!. 

Please I hope you understand that this is an extra content and not part of the promises of the pledge. It is just content related with the activity of the academy and that it may help some people if they can understand the language.  I wish We could have more support to be able to get some external help for translating these free content, but it is extremely expensive.

Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE


Chicos, echadle un ojo, quizás os interese. el vídeo oficial de las Freak Wars cortado en 3 partes. Aquí la primera. Creemos que  a muchos os resultara útil y entretenido.

Esperamos que estéis disfrutando del verano! . No os olvidéis de chequear los vídeos que vamos sacando que tienen información muy útil y son muy buenos vídeos. 

Por otro lado si queréis ayudarnos a crecer. compartid este tipo de contenido en vuestras redes sociales, dadnos un like en el link de Youtube y comentarnos! . Estas cosas ayudan mucho y sobre todo nos animan a seguir dándole caña!.


Un saludo a todos!

Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE


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