Hello students!! Today we bring to you an easey and useful guide to create a terrain for your figure using different materials and techniques. Enjoy it!
Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE
Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE
Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE Video by Alfonso Giraldes BANSHEE
Hi guys! As we are going to release copies from this model, Banshee thought that we can take advantage of […]
Hi guys! This is a two part video about facing a new proyect, and you can apply it on every […]
Part 2 of the Miniaturist is here. As you know, there is a survey asking for your opinion about Streamings […]
3…2…1…Take off! Bye bye Sihlas! Bring destruction wherever you go!Remember that probably we release a limited copy, only for you, […]
Hi guys! We are releasing this week the last two videos of Sihlas Fenn.  Yes, the last two! So be […]
Hi guys! We have add a rocket to Sihlas an now he can fly and kill some Imperial guys! Enjoy! […]