Hey guys! Last video of the month. Enjoy the process (we are finishing our projects so you can have closed […]
Well guys! Only one part remaining of the barbarian from Marc. Next month this process is ending, so be fast […]
Hi guys! Useless brushes in a month? Don´t worry, I have here some tips to give a longer life to […]
Hey guys! The end of the wor…I mean, the month, is near, and we are releasing the last videos of […]
Hi guys! You told us that we have miss the pt2 of the Invocatio Process, what the…?! So here it […]
Hi guys! With this video we are updated! We are going to do some changes on the sculpture content trying […]
We are so sorry because of the delay. We are launching all the vids of sculpture in the next days, […]
Do you think we have only one vid of Marc? Not really! Second part of this awesome process! And the […]
Hi guys! Well! Here comes Marc! First video of his saga with this barbarian of Shadespire in which he will […]
Hi guys! Part 4 of the miniaturist! During the next few days there will be several videos of sculpture, but […]